DABOR Annual Congress 2021

We are happy to welcome you at the upcoming DABOR Annual Congress 2021!
Main Theme: Inside a Risk Manager’s Mind
It will be held again as an online webinar, still full of interesting guests, lively presentations and opportunities for interactions.
The event will be held in English.
Time & Location
Wednesday October 6th from 13:00 till 17:00 (GMT+1)
Online webinar (link to be provided before webinar).
- 13:00 : Opening
- 13:10 : Els van Noorduijn – TopSport Coach, How to motivate yourself after the challenging corona times?
- 14:00 : Panel with Kimberly Schelle (HR Rabobank) and Paulien Visser (ING HR), What do the big banks see while opening the doors after corona?
- 14:50 : Break
- 15:00 : Menno Wiersma & Owen Strijland – Protiviti, Model Risk Management: Operational risk and lessons learned from Financial risk models
- 15:45 : Panel with the expert group about “How the growing use of models impacts not only operational risk of businesses but also us as people”
- 16:30 : Virtual drinks and networking experiment
- 17:00 : Closing
• Joining DABOR events is free of charge for people who are approved by DABOR as an individual participant or join on behalf of a corporate participant – since both pay annual contributions.
• For all others, joining an event one-off is of course possible. The costs are EUR 75 including a ‘corona discount’ for an online event. This will give you access to the DABOR Annual Congress in October, plus one more evening event later in 2021. If this cost is applicable to you we will contact you about the payment shortly, but encourage you to consider joining DABOR as a regular participant with annual contribution – you will get access to much more!